Monday, September 12, 2011

Always there is a heart invovled..!

Loving 'HER' made me feel that there is no sadness in the world other than being heartbroken. Though as time passed I found an answer that there is lot of sadness in this world than merely being heartbroken.

The weight that fell on my heart and long hours of putting the pain onto a paper, into words, churning thoughts made me feel how being a writer can be impossibly difficult. Sitting in a boring room whining away my time like an ICU patient awaiting to get his life support removed so that he chooses death by choice rather than the pain kills him before, was enough inspiration to write a stack of novels. Even death can be an inspiration!

The unending stream of questions on love and life, appeared to be complicated math puzzles, sounded a familiar territory but the answer kept evading.

While I chose to remain where I was; a voice begged for my attention; for my notice. Returning back from my world of delusions and illusions, I observed a man placed in front of me two passport size pictures on his beautiful daughters, one of whom keeps falling ill so much so that he had been reduced to selling his possessions in the attempt to find a reason; a cure for even a name for what his 6 month old daughter suffers from.

The man asked me for nothing but a listening ear and I heard to all that ailed him. Amidst a conversation that may have lasted a few minutes, the man shared with me; a stranger, more that he had with his colleagues. As he walked away; I couldn't help but realize how heartbroken this man really was and isn't this exactly what being heartbroken is?

When you love something or someone from the core of your heart and it appears that the circumstances chose to place you such that a feeling of despair becomes you. Helplessness engulfs you for all the dreams and wishes one makes for their choice of love; it appears they can do nothing more than be a silent viewer. More so ever situations become worse when one doesn't know what pleasure is and what pain can do!

A career; a child; a friend; a mate; a love; name it whatever you wish but in every circumstance and in every event there always is a heart involved.

So from what I can gather as a mere observer is that while there may be much more sadness in the world than merely being heartbroken, in each scenario; every time; no matter who the characters in the play of life are; there always is a heart involved....

One that has been shaken, broken to thousand pieces and may never stick together..

One that seeks to be nursed, healed and loved.......

And one that blindly follows the only course it knows.


Saturday, February 5, 2011


The Idea of Non-voilence - A Memoir

Somehow I subconsciously accepted Violence as the symbol of strength and Non-violence as a sign of weakness. As a result, the ‘Tit for Tat’ approach seemed to be the only smart decision and Forgiveness sounded good only in spiritual anecdotes. However, our violent nature never comes into the limelight. We fight with a fellow commuter while traveling to office, because we think he pushed us. We fight with our family or relatives because we think they are exploiting us. We fight with our spouse thinking our partner is being unfair to us. We fight a lot, but our fights get overlooked. It is not highlighted like wars between nations. So we think we are normal people and there is nothing wrong with us. We don’t even realize how violent we have become.

“If a person is intending to kill me, I can't just say, please be my guest." I will have to fight for my life. I wish every one of my sisters to slap in the face of the rogue who is teasing her.. how good that site will be. At some level aggression has knitted itself as a way of life. Is a favorite TV show, favorite attire or any other belonging, a worthy cause to fight with a sibling? Is getting little pushed over or stepped over, a worthy a cause to get into fist-fight with an absolute stranger? Is Wealth or Land, a worthy cause to cut through the bloodline of our ancestors? Is Politics, a worthy cause to pull out a partition and divide a nation? Is Race, a worthy cause to burn human beings alive?

Some may say yes and be proud about it. There is absolutely no way to prove them wrong. Today, we fight for Education. Education is supposed to help us become more mature. Ironically, we have ended up fighting for seat reservations. Today we fight over Religion, which was devised to help humanity transcend the normal being. Instead of transcending to higher level, we have stooped further low and have humiliated humanity by our act. Today, we fight for Love, which just reveals the height of human ignorance. Love the most divine feeling, the essence of peace being the sole cause of hatred and triggering violence. Non-violence is not an individual concept but it is a phenomenon concerned with the whole group. With the present situation wherein large families have become small families and small families becoming minor families and when people are forgetting collective nouns like 'us' 'them ' 'we' ,how can one expect that non-violence will succeed.